Thursday, January 24, 2008

Serving One Master

I've recently asked my students to write down questions they have about God, Christianity or just life in general. The first question I will address is "How far is too far?" or more specifically in this case, "How can I not be too worldly, but still be 'cool'?"

As I consider this question the first thing that comes to my mind is a verse from the book of Matthew. In chapter 6 verse 24 Jesus says, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other."

Now I realize that the question deals with being "cool" and this verse is talking about money, but I think the principle still applies here. In the very next sentence Jesus says, "You cannot serve both God and Money." Whether you are talking about money, popularity, success or whatever God must be second to nothing in a Christian's life. If you don't think you struggle with money then look at the verse this way: "You cannot serve both God and . . ." and you fill in the blank.

Now what does this have to do with being cool? Well it's very simple, all one must do is ask himself or herself which is more important: following God or being cool? Ultimately you can't even completely control if you're "cool" or not because you can't control what people think. But you can, with God's help, follow Christ regardless of what people think of you.

Basically, the mindset of "how far is too far" just is not Godly. If you are asking how far is too far, then you are trying to make room for something besides God. If following Christ is really the most important in your life, then spend time every day finding out how you can better do it because I guarantee you that none of us have it down perfectly.

If people think you're cool for following God's commandments then so be it. But if not, are you really going to let what people think keep you from obeying the One you claim to love with your whole heart, mind and strength?

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