While being cooperative and easygoing might help me in my relationships with other people, God's standard is much higher. As soon as we think we are "good enough" in some way, that is the time to watch out. Get into God's Word to see what He really asks of us.
Philippians 2:3-4 tells us, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Sure, I get along with other people, but do I consider them better than myself? Even when I am nice and polite to someone, I might be thinking in the back of my mind, "I'm smarter than this person," or "My manners are better than his/hers," or "This person isn't as humble as I am," or "I'm right, he/she is wrong."

This is the problem with reading the Bible . . . it tells us to do things that seem impossible. How am I supposed to do nothing out of selfish ambition? Every time we make a choice we choose what will be best for us. Even our decision to follow Jesus is made because we would rather go to heaven than hell. We would rather have God's love and truth than the corruption and lies of this world.
And how do I consider someone better than me if I know I'm smarter, faster, stronger, etc.? Sure, I think some people are better than I am: like police officers, firemen, soldiers, and other courageous people I could mention. But then again, I bet most of them curse, smoke, and/or drink and I don't do any of that so maybe . . . Oops, there I go again.
Perhaps if we read a little further in Philippians we can understand this problem better. Verses 5-8 say this:
5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
The world says that as long as you're not bothering others, then what you choose to do is your own business. But that is not what God says. It's not enough to just live and let live. It's not enough for me to be nice to other people; I need to look out for their interests! It's not enough for me to make sure I don't do "bad" things; I need to make sure I act out of humility 24/7 and that my actions glorify God.
This takes a huge attitude adjustment! "Your attitude should be that of Christ Jesus." He was God come in the form of a man; He was definitely better than everyone else. But He became a servant, which means His purpose was not to enjoy Himself. His purpose was to serve (and ultimately die for) others.

The next time you are bored, don't think, "How can I have more fun?" Instead, remember that your purpose is to serve and find a way to serve someone. Do a chore that you weren't told to do. Make something for someone else, perhaps a meal. Help someone with their homework. Agree to do something with your family cheerfully even when you'd rather do something else. There are a million ways you can serve; if you try to find them, you will.
If you find yourself asking, "What's in it for me?" that's the old attitude talking. If you truly consider others better than yourself, then what you want isn't as important as what they want. Remember, your attitude should be that of Christ Jesus. He never said, "I'm God, I don't have to serve these people! They don't even appreciate what I do!" This adjustment is hard, but if you ask God to help you, He will.
In the end the choice is yours, though. Will you let go of your pride and accept your purpose to serve others no matter what? I'll tell you a little secret: there's a reward for your service when this life is over.
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